Capital Electric Cooperative (CEC) applied for infrastructure funding through the United States Department of Energy’s Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) program. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) Research division organized a consortium of electric cooperatives to be able to apply for over $99 million in GRIP funding which will support more than $145 million worth of projects at 38 rural, not-for-profit electric cooperatives across the western United States.
NRECA Research’s Wildfire Assessment and Resilience for Networks (WARN) consortium included CEC’s request for $1 million in federal funding to convert a three-phase overhead distribution line to underground cable, located between the communities of Wilton and Regan, ND. The project aims to strengthen CEC’s distribution grid using proven methods and advanced technologies, with the aim of reducing wildfires and enhancing wildfire and weather resilience.
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Labor of Energy's Grid Depployment Office, Award Number DEGD0000885
Project Description:
This project will convert approximately 11 miles of a three-phase overhead distribution line to underground conductors. This work is being done to a key distribution feeder stretching across central Burleigh County that serves rural members and provides a critical back-feed source to two substations being fed by a radial transmission line.
Project Location:
This project serves rural areas surrounding the communities of Wilton, Regan, Baldwin, and Wing, ND. Approximately 1,270 residents receive service from Capital Electric in this area, much of the area being remote agricultural areas. Capital Electric estimates 10 full-time equivalent contractors, and staff will be working on this project over the course of the construction and retirement activities. Efforts will be made with local landowners to avoid impacts to agricultural activities (ex. planting/harvest, calving, haying).

Project Duration
Capital Electric plans to complete installation of underground conductors and removal of overhead lines as soon as possible, beginning in 2025 and completing within two years. Contractors will plow cables wherever possible to reduce costs, boring roadways and high-impact areas as needed.
- Copy of draft of completed CBP
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Additional questions should be directed to:
Greg Owen
Manager of Engineering Services